Friday, November 29, 2013


It's the final countdown...

There are only 2 more days until school is over and then I'll only have exams to worry about, hallelujah! I can see the finish line coming ahead and am pretty much functioning on adrenaline and pure will power right now. I still have about 4 more assignments and a paper to whip out before I can fully immerse myself in cramming the whole semester back into my head.

But I can't complain because my sister who's still in high school still has two more months of this semester and will probably be stressing about her summatives during the break while I get to go school supplies shopping!! Can you believe I actually filled up my notebook with notes? (What else would I fill it with, notes?) But it had almost 400 pages in it and practically all of them are covered in my semi-comprehensible scrawl.

I'm kind of scared for exams, three hours of sitting down and writing while being stressed out is not my cup of tea, especially because I can't stay still for that long. They only exams in high school that even got close to the three hour mark were my grade 11 and 12 physics ones and I was literally dancing in my seat trying to finish up. And what even is checking over your answers; that never happened. (that semicolon usage thanks to my technical report writing class. I did learn some useful things there apparently.) BUT that is not the attitude I'm going into them with, no sirree I love sitting and solving math problems it's what I live for.

Kind of embarrassed to say this so imma shove this paragraph in between the others and hope you non-existent readers don't notice it. I'm really going to miss my engineering mechanics discussion group because for one it was a really small class so I didn't feel overwhelmed and could actually ask questions and then secondly my TA was certifiably hot and that is a thing that I will miss.

Weird to think that more than half of my new friends will be leaving for a while once exams finish since they're all from "Toronto" and by "Toronto" I mean a tiny town that is anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and a half away from Toronto. I'm not used to everyone not being from Ottawa. Oh well, that means I'm obligated to hang out with fewer people over the holidays and can spend the time not working insane holiday hours destressing and doing pointless things like knitting mittens.

Sorry about this mind dump, I don't post very much personal stuff here so let me know if this is a good thing or if you just want my book reviews and list posts and things like that.

me sprinting away once school is over

Thursday, November 28, 2013


As you all may or may not know, I am a girl in mechanical engineering. I'm not making myself to be special or superior to any other person in any other program but it's just a fact of life that you don't see that every day.

When you meet people, you obviously have to go through the small talk of school and what program you're studying. It's inevitable. I think asking people what book they're currently reading is a much more interesting form of small talk. I am going to make that a thing. But of course, when I tell people what I'm studying, I get THE BEST reactions. They're usually extreme and there's always the typical ones but I've gotten some pretty atypical ones. Since I get a kick out of them, I figured you dudes might too and this is what the rest of this post entails.

1. Wide eyes. This is usually when they're trying to mask the fact that they had a reaction altogether and go on to regular answer like "Oh, are you liking it?" and "Are you living in residence?"

2. "I'm so glad there are people like you..." This comes from people who can't believe anyone would want to continue doing math voluntarily. They kind of make a joke where they're thankful that "people like me" exist because if it were up to them to do what I will be doing once
I graduate the world would start crumbling in on itself.

3. Genuine questions. There are people who know a few things about the classes I'm taking and ask how I'm finding them and all that. I like giving them feedback.

4. The future-thinkers. These are the same people that always asked what you were going to major in back when you were in high school. Now that you've got that pretty much cemented in, they move on to the next big milestone: your career. You are asked what you plan to do with your degree and where you'd like to live and basically all the questions that make you want to go back to kindergarten where everything was safe and certain.

It's always the creepy old people too
5. BOYS. WINK. This reaction is by far the creepiest and kind of the most insulting. This is where they point out that engineering is mostly filled with people with XY chromosomes. They ask for ratios of girls to guys in your classes, and, inevitably, talk about how easy it will be for me to find a boyfriend. Like whoa, who has time for a love life when you're taking these kinds of classes. That is definitely not my number one priority.

6. Doom predictors. These people know of other people who also decided that they could handle becoming an engineer but ended up doing really badly or dropping out or switching to a different program and on the outside I'm all like cool story bro but on the inside I freak out because it's not like I was a child prodigy or anything I've had to work hard and what if it's not enough and my entire life falls to pieces before my eyes.

Your turn! Tell me about the funniest or most insulting or best reactions to whatever you're doing with your life!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Fire Has Caught

My thoughts are incoherent now.

I just spent two and a half hours in the theatre absolutely glued to that massive screen literally watching the contents of the second Hunger Games book play out. Yes, I have just finished watching Catching Fire.

There was so little deviation from the actual thing, I couldn't believe it. I must admit, I haven't read the book in a couple years and went into that cinema not really remembering the actual plot line at all. BUT I remembered as the movie progressed and man was it accurate. There may have been some things that were missed or changed and someone somewhere on the internet has probably pointed them out but they were not stupifyingly obvious so I'd cut the movie some slack.

So since it was exactly the book in movie picture format, we don't have to worry about the plot. Plot was amazing, and it still ended with a crazy cliffhanger so all the people who hadn't read the book in the theatre were all in shock about that. Guess what book's sales are going to suddenly skyrocket??

Finally, I really fell in love with the characters, all over again with the repeats and for the first time with the newcomers. Peeta and Gale man, both so selfless. And the character development that happened with Effie was phenomenal! She's beginning to realize how screwed up the system actually is. And I felt so much for all the victors that were reaped for the second time. They did not deserve that to happen to them. Johanna and Beetee were my favourites. They were just so cool to get to know, y'know?

I really needed to get all this out of my head and into words so that I could go back to enjoying regular life. It almost seems unfair that the world is still going and there isn't a mandatory recuperation time where there are no responsibilities to worry about after watching Catching Fire. That should definitely be a thing. 

Hey! A song from the Hunger Games soundtrack just started playing on my laptop! That's fitting.

Let me know if you already have or are planning on seeing Catching Fire and say what you think in the comments!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sneak Peek

I have zero time to write but I'm still bursting with ideas aka the worst state of being to be in.

SO I have decided to give you a look into what's to come. Not saying that they'll be like in the coming week or even the coming month but that they're there and when I have some spare time that I don't use towards watching How I Met Your Mother, I'll be working on them! They're pretty great ideas, if I do say so myself.

Here you go.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Halloween A Few Days Late

I totally forgot to tell you guys about my halloween costume this year!

I had the brilliant brainwave a few months back to be Rapunzel for halloween since I've got the hair and eyes so might as well. I had started to piece together my costume, long purple skirt paired with a medieval-looking purple shirt, flowers for my hair and was in the process of looking for a Pascal BUT THEN I saw that I was scheduled to work that night so all my plans fell apart.

(Yes, I know I'm 18, but that doesn't mean I can't go trick or treating. I was going to go with my friend and we were going to be the first Disney princess, Snow White, and the last! You may know tell me that is an amazing idea.)

hippie me
So I settled for wearing a flower headband and being a hippie since work has a uniform that purple skirts somehow doesn't comply with.

My coworkers dressed up as well. Highlight of my night was the dude who ironically dressed up as a cat.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Poll Results: Fandoms

This poll was courtesy of spending the majority of my life on Tumblr. Fandoms run rampant over there and this was a way to see which type of people peruse my blog.

6 people voted which is not too shabby for my restart up of this blog! But obviously no one is part of only one fandom thus the option to pick as many options as you needed.

No surprise to me that Harry Potter won. It kind of reinforces the fact that everyone is in the Harry Potter fandom, whether you've only watched the movies or have your very own time turner. Harry Potter will always be around.

That got pretty philosophical.

As for the rest, I picked fandoms that were pretty popular so I think it's more interesting to look at the ones that didn't get votes. Hannibal is a fairly new fandom so that's understandable, Avengers seem less obsessive than most so maybe its fans don't spend their time on some nobody's blog to vote on a poll. Supernatural is kind of surprising since it usually goes hand in hand with Sherlock and Doctor Who which both have three votes each. Oh well, maybe they were crying somewhere.

Oh, you want to know my fandoms? Okay! I'm a fan of all the books listed here, Hunger Games, Harry Potter and John Green are all amazing reads. And then there's Sherlock which I became addicted to as soon as I first watched it. Smart move on my part because I totally love waiting and waiting and waiting for any news or new episodes.

Polls are bimonthly now, if y'all didn't notice so November and December's topic is: what's your favourite fruit? Why do I want to pry into your soul with this very revealing question? I am eating grapes at the moment.

Go forth and vote! Tell your friends! Tell your grandma! (But seriously, if you do that, tell me and I will give you infinite respect)
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